经过长达6年的毫米级医疗植入物研究,美国斯坦福大学(Stanford University)电子工程系助理教授Ada Poon终于取得符合安全兼容性实验室的验证报告,并证实她的这项研究具有商用化潜力。
Poon和其他研究人员们针对这项主题为“医疗植入设备的中场无线电源研究”提交了一份论文至国家科学院(National Academy of Sciences),内容描述一种可穿透约5cm皮肤组织为植入于兔子心脏中的2mm微型刺激器供电的方式。
斯坦福大学的研究人员们称这种方式为“中场”(mid-field)无线。斯坦福大学研究生John Ho解释,基本上是将“近场”转换为“远场”(far-field)电磁波,这种传输方式较安全但远离讯号源后快速衰减,但已能将能量传送到更远的距离。

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Poon 所开发的设备比目前由Medtronic与St. Jude Medical等公司开发约几公分大小的起搏器更小几个数量级。这些较大型设备的问题是必须抗拒更大的力量,才能保持与身体组织之间的恒定。此 外,Poon也有兴趣探索这种电磁能量究竟可达到多远的距离限制。
她的职业生涯一开始是在英特尔(Intel)公司从事可重配置射频方面的工作,目前在于制造出更高灵敏度的基带芯片。后来,她还曾经任职SiBeam,该公司是60GHz CMOS 芯片先驱,为消费电子设备提供高解析的无线视频。
本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载
编译:Susan Hong
参考英文原文:Implant Gets Power Through Flesh,by Rick Merritt
• 大势所趋,医疗制造专有技术正快速向中国转移
• [图文报道]飞思卡尔技术论坛(FTF2014)聚焦深圳
• 无线充电标准比拼,市场期待大一统Xc6esmc
Implant Gets Power Through Flesh
Rick Merritt
SAN JOSE, Calif. — Ada Poon still recalls the day she read the report from the safety compliance lab. The Stanford assistant professor had gotten validation for her six years of research on millimeter-scale medical implants that were now shown to have commercial potential.
"I was quite excited," says Poon of her work exploiting living animal tissue as a medium to deliver more than 200 microwatts of power over a distance of 5 centimeters or more.
"We knew it was safe in simulation," Poon tells us. "We kept the output power to 500 mW, which is the same as a cellphone, and we did measurements to check the temperature rise. We did all this validation, but in the end to be really sure and articulate our point that our technique was safe, I said let's do third-party testing."
Today Poon and colleagues submitted a paper to the National Academy of Sciences on their work in so-called midfield wireless power for a medical implant. It describes a way to deliver power through nearly 5 cm of tissue to a 2 mm microstimulator implanted on a rabbit's heart.
Current inductive coupling methods rely on near-field coupling between an implant and an external device with nothing more than a thin layer of skin in between. Poon's team took a different approach, embracing propagation of the 1.6 GHz signal through biological tissue rather than trying to avoid it.
The Stanford researchers call their approach "mid-field" wireless. Essentially, they converted "electromagnetic waves from the 'evanescent' or 'near-field' type, which are safe but decay rapidly away from the source, to the 'propagating' or 'far-field' type, which carry energy away with much farther reach," explains John Ho, a Stanford graduate student and co-author of the paper
The more than 200 microwatts the technique delivers far exceeds the 8 mW consumed by today's pacemakers. Poon and others foresee the advent of a class of microstimulators the size of a grain of rice that may someday be more effective for some ailments than today's implants or drugs.
"Our powering method could be applicable to a broader class of devices that have yet to be developed, such as implantable diagnostic sensors or localized drug delivery tools," says Ho. "Part of the reason they are not commercially used today may be because of the bulkiness of existing implants.
"One intriguing application is in an emerging class of medicines called 'electroceuticals.' Tiny devices that directly modulate neural activity in the body may provide more effective treatments for some disorders than drugs. Much more research is required to understand the neural basis for diseases and develop electronic treatments, but all such approaches will require ways to safely transfer power."
The Stanford microstimulator implant measures 2mm across, about the size of a grain of rice.
To keep the implants small, many microstimulators will have no battery. When users want to generate pulses to relieve pain or read data from an embedded sensor, they will place over the affected area a credit-card sized charger, such as the thin 6x6 cm device the Stanford team used.
Other stimulators or sensors may have tiny batteries so they can work automatically. Users will charge the implants with the external device.
Within the next 12 months, Poon's team hopes to implant its microstimulator in a human for the first time, probably on peripheral nerves for pain therapy. It could take several years of tests before such products are approved for medical use.
Poon's device is an order of magnitude smaller than today's centimeter-sized pacemakers from Medtronic and St. Jude Medical. The larger devices must resist greater forces to stay anchored to tissues amid the flow of body fluids.
Poon is interested in exploring the limits of what electromagnetic energy can deliver over how great a distance.
"My training is in information theory," she says. "It's one of the most mathematically intensive branches in electrical engineering. We always ask the question: What's the highest data rate through a given channel?"
Her career started with work on reconfigurable radio at Intel, trying to make baseband chips as agile as possible. She later worked at SiBeam, which pioneered 60 GHz chips in CMOS, delivering wireless, high-definition video for consumer electronics gear.
"When I started work on electromagnetics in biological tissue, I applied the same curiosity about what's the limit. Everyone was using inductive coupling, but what was the optimal solution was not answered."
The question remains an open one she has now been pursuing six years, with several more years of work ahead. "It's a long journey," says Poon.
"One interesting thing about this work was that it was incredibly broad, ranging from physics to medicine," says Ho. "There were times where I performed mathematical studies and animal experiments on the same day -- as primarily a theorist by training, this was exhilarating/"
The microstimulator could be inserted via a catheter.