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中国内地规模最大、技术最先进的集成电路晶圆代工企业中芯国际(SMIC)与美国高通公司共同宣布,中芯国际将与美国高通公司的子公司 -- 美国高通技术公司(Qualcomm Technologies)在28纳米工艺制程和晶圆制造服务方面紧密合作,在中国制造高通骁龙处理器。 该合作将会提升中芯国际28纳米制程的成熟度及产能,也使其成为中国本土率先为美国高通技术公司部分最新的骁龙处理器提供28纳米多晶硅 (PolySiON) 和28纳米高介电常数金属闸极 (HKMG) 工艺制程产品的半导体代工企业之一。 中芯国际此前已为美国高通技术公司的电源管理、无线及连接 IC 产品提供不同工艺制程的支持。通过在28纳米技术及晶圆制造服务上的新协作,中芯国际将进一步强化与美国高通技术公司的战略合作关系,并共同为不断增长的移动通信行业带来新的28纳米设计和产品。未来,中芯国际还会将其技术延伸到3DIC 以及射频前端 (RF front-end) 晶圆制造,以支持美国高通技术公司不断扩展的骁龙产品组合。 我们目前还不太清楚的是,除了能修复一些与中国政府的关系外,这项合作还能给高通带来什么实际利益。毕竟与其他国际一流晶圆代工厂相比,中芯国际的尖端工艺技术并不占优势。 事实上,在三个月前我们对中芯国际CEO邱慈云博士采访时,他也承认与台积电之间的技术差距正在加大。当领先的晶圆厂们都在忙着谈论下一个14纳米工艺节点时,邱慈云博士则表示中芯国际的28纳米节点工艺“现已冻结(now frozen)”,为的是让潜在客户能够去测试和验证他们的最新节点工艺。


中国政府的反垄断调查 自从去年中国国家发改委对高通开展反垄断调查以来,业界纷纷猜测中国当局是以调查的方式强迫高通与中国本土电子产业合作。去年中国国家发改委突击搜查了高通北京和上海的办事处,报道称,高通面临的罚金可能超过10亿美元。 国际发改委使用反垄断法对付海外科技企业的做法,一度被认为可能导致进口电子产品出现“不合理”的高价格。今年2月,中国市场监管机构表示怀疑高通产品定价过高(overcharging),并且“滥用其在市场的地位”(abusing its market position)。 当EE Times记者问及中国发改委对高通的反垄断调查进行到哪一步时,高通公共关系副总裁Christine Trimble表示:“我们将继续配合国家发改委的工作,目前没有更多消息可以透露。” 高通对本次与中芯国际的合作也惜字如金,当被问及骁龙(Snapdragon)的哪一款处理器会在中芯国际代工时,发言人称:“我们不能透露任何细节。” 问到高通此次为何选择中芯国际作为其在中国的合作伙伴,发言人称:“高通与中芯国际合作已经好几年了,本次将把合作领域进一步拓展到28纳米公艺节点。” 相比之下,中芯国际更愿意谈未来与高通的合作计划。 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 本文下一页:中国半导体的飞速发展,也为跨国公司创造了大量财富和机会


{pagination} 在公关稿中,中芯国际表示这不是他们第一次与高通合作,此前已为高通的电源管理、无线及连接 IC 产品提供不同工艺制程的支持。通过在28纳米技术及晶圆制造服务上的新协作,中芯国际将进一步强化与美国高通技术公司的战略合作关系,并共同为不断增长的移动通信行业带来新的28纳米设计和产品。未来,中芯国际还会将其技术延伸到3DIC 以及射频前端 (RF front-end) 晶圆制造,以支持美国高通技术公司不断扩展的骁龙产品组合。 中芯国际已经位于中国芯片设计和制造之巅,但不可否认高通更是中国乃至全球手机芯片王者。最近也时常有报道指出,在中国消耗的半导体产品,其中只有一小部分是中国生产的。 在Oski科技亚太区高级市场总监Jin Zhang的一篇博客中,她指出中国IC消费和自主产能之间的鸿沟,将在2015年后不断扩大。 这在所有中国半导体业界人士的眼中,都是一个不得不面对的问题。

Source:"持续增长,中国对半导体产业的影响" 普华永道,2013年98Zesmc

Jin Zhang还指出:“大部分在中国消耗的IC产品均由半导体巨头提供,比如英特尔、三星、德州仪器、飞思卡尔和高通。因此,中国半导体行业的飞速发展,其实为跨国半导体公司创造了大量财富和机会。” 这样看来,高通与中芯国际在28纳米制程技术和晶圆制造上的合作,是中国半导体行业迈出了正确的一步。 高管展望 中芯国际首席执行官兼执行董事邱慈云博士表示,“我们很高兴能够与美国高通技术公司达成此项合作,这对中芯国际28纳米工艺制程的完善以及竞争力的提升具有重要的里程碑意义。这进一步证明了中芯国际的实力和对客户的承诺,能够满足客户需求并根据其产品路线,提供所需的先进节点技术。此次得到美国高通技术公司的支持,我们相信28纳米技术将会成为公司最重要的增长动力之一。同时我们预期28纳米产品生命周期长度将会超越先前的技术节点,使中芯国际能更好地服务美国高通技术公司,并支持更多的需求。” 美国高通技术公司执行副总裁兼 QCT 联席总裁 Murthy Renduchintala 表示:“中芯国际是美国高通技术公司的重要供应商之一,其实力和技术产品正不断提升以满足我们更高的产品需求。我们很高兴能与中芯国际合作,并期待共同在中国开始其28纳米产品制造,并执行我们的区域供应链战略。中芯国际正日渐成为我们全球运营中一个更重要的供应商,此项合作也将进一步提升我们在中国这个全球最大的移动消费市场的制造和服务能力。” 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 编译:Luffy Liu 参考英文原文:China's SMIC-Qualcomm 28-nm Deal: Why Now?,by Junko Yoshida


{pagination} China's SMIC-Qualcomm 28-nm Deal: Why Now? Junko Yoshida MADISON, Wis. — China's largest foundry, Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp. (SMIC), and Qualcomm, the world's most dominant baseband cellular processor company, revealed Thursday, July 3 that they are collaborating on 28-nm wafer production in China. Under the agreement, Qualcomm will offer support to accelerate SMIC's 28-nm process maturity, while SMIC will make Qualcomm's latest Snapdragon processors on 28-nm node, both PolySiON (PS) and high-K dielectrics metal gate. With its future growth dependent on the advancement of its 28-nm technologies, the deal marks a big win for SMIC. Less clear is what advantages this will give to Qualcomm, other than mending the company's relationship with the Chinese government. SMIC isn't exactly known for cutting-edge process technologies, compared to other foundry giants. Indeed, in an exclusive interview with EE Times last March, Tzu-Yin Chiu, SMIC's CEO acknowledged a broadening technology gap with Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC). At a time when leading fab owners are busy talking about a 14-nm process node, SMIC's CEO then said that its 28-nm process node is "now frozen," allowing potential customers to test and verify SMIC's newest node. Where SMIC's 28-nm process technologies stand. (Source: SMIC) Where SMIC's 28-nm process technologies stand. (Source: SMIC) Antitrust investigation in China Since China launched an antitrust probe into Qualcomm late last year, speculation abounds that Chinese authorities are probing ways to coerce Qualcomm into collaborating with their electronics industry. Qualcomm reportedly faces penalties that may exceed $1 billion. The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), China's main planning body, raided Qualcomm's Beijing and Shanghai offices last year. The NDRC has used the anti-monopoly law to target technology companies for practices that could lead to what it calls "unreasonably" high prices. In February, the Chinese regulator said it suspects Qualcomm of overcharging and abusing its market position. When asked where the NDRC's antitrust investigation stands today, Christine Trimble, Qualcomm's vice president of public affairs, told EE Times, "We continue to fully cooperate with the NDRC and have no further comment." Qualcomm is also saying very little about the deal with SMIC. Asked about which Snapdragon processors SMIC will make and when Qualcomm expects production to start, the company spokesman said, "We're not disclosing any details." When questioned why Qualcomm decided to pick SMIC as its foundry partner in China, the spokesman spoke in boilerplate: "Qualcomm has been collaborating with SMIC several years and this announcement represents an extension of this relationship to the 28-nm technology node." In contrast, SMIC is much more willing to disclose the company's future plan with Qualcomm. SMIC noted in a press release that this isn't its first date with Qualcomm. "Previously, SMIC has supported Qualcomm on power management, wireless and connectivity related IC products at various process nodes." With the new agreement, SMIC said it will work with Qualcomm on 28-nm design-ins and products for the growing mobile communication industry. Further, the company said, "Going forward, SMIC will also extend its technology offerings on 3DIC and RF front-end wafer manufacturing in support of Qualcomm as its Snapdragon product portfolio continues to expand." While SMIC has been riding the wave of Chinese fabless growth, Qualcomm remains undeniably the most dominant cellphone chip supplier in China and globally. It's been often pointed out that only a small portion of semiconductors consumed in China are actually produced in China. In her recent blog post on EE Times, Jin Zhang, senior director of marketing and general manager for Asia Pacific at Oski Technology, pointed out China's IC consumption and production gap, including an alarmingly widening gap projected for 2015 and beyond. In the eyes of many Chinese industry sources, that's a hot button issue. China's integrated circuit consumption and production comparison. (Source: 'Continuing to Grow, China's Impact on the Semiconductor Industry,' 2013 update, PwC) China's integrated circuit consumption and production comparison. (Source: "Continuing to Grow, China's Impact on the Semiconductor Industry," 2013 update, PwC) As Zhang noted, "Most of the ICs consumed in China are provided by semiconductor giants such as Intel, Samsung, TI, Freescale, and Qualcomm. Hence, the growth of China's semiconductor industry offered tremendous opportunities and rewards for multinational companies (MNCs) in the semiconductor industry." In that context, Qualcomm working with SMIC on 28-nm process technology and wafer manufacturing services is likely viewed as a step in the right direction for China.
Junko Yoshida
ASPENCORE全球联席总编辑,首席国际特派记者。曾任把口记者(beat reporter)和EE Times主编的Junko Yoshida现在把更多时间用来报道全球电子行业,尤其关注中国。 她的关注重点一直是新兴技术和商业模式,新一代消费电子产品往往诞生于此。 她现在正在增加对中国半导体制造商的报道,撰写关于晶圆厂和无晶圆厂制造商的规划。 此外,她还为EE Times的Designlines栏目提供汽车、物联网和无线/网络服务相关内容。 自1990年以来,她一直在为EE Times提供内容。
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