据路透社消息,索尼日前宣布将投资 350 亿日元(约 3.45 亿美元)提高用于手机与平板设备的图像传感器产量。这一举措意味着索尼在向手机厂商示好,以便未来拿到更多前置摄像头订单。
索尼称,公司将增加九洲两家工厂的 CMOS(互补金属氧化物半导体) 传感器产量,同时完成对日本芯片生产企业瑞萨电子旗下一家工厂的收购交易。这两笔投资金额总计为 350 亿日元。
作为苹果 iPhone 后置摄像头传感器的供应商,索尼表示收购将帮助公司提升传感器产量,到明年 8 月,每月晶圆产量可达 6.8 万块,距离公司 7.5 万块的中期目标更加接近。
图像传感器是索尼的优势领域,据日本调查公司Techno Systems Research统计,公司在市场上领先于豪威科技(OmniVision)等其他企业,2013年索尼CMOS传感器的全球份额(按金额计算)为33%,排在首位。OmniVision的图像传感器主要用于智能手机前置摄像头,其分辨率通常低于后摄像头。
今年 3 月索尼曾表示,随着用户对自拍与视频通话的需求增加,智能手机厂商正在考虑提高前置摄像头的成像质量,而索尼也希望增加用于前置摄像头的图像传感器产量。
索尼今年在半导体资本开支上的预算为 650 亿日元,其中也包括了投资金额中的 90 亿日元,公司将在下一财年的前两季度逐步支付剩余的 260 亿日元。
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参考英文原文:Sony Invests in Stacked Image Sensor Manufacturing Capacity,by Peter Clarke
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Sony Invests in Stacked Image Sensor Manufacturing Capacity
Peter Clarke
Sony Corp. has said it plans to invest 35 billion yen (about $340 million) to increase its production of stacked CMOS image sensors in support of demand for them in smartphones and tablet computers. Of the budgeted amount, Sony said it plans to spend 3 billion yen at its Nagasaki site and 6 billion yen at its Kumamoto site in the current financial year. The remaining 26 billion yen will be spent at Nagasaki in fiscal year 2015.
In January 2014 Sony announced its plans to establish and invest in Yamagata Technology Center (Yamagata TEC) as a facility mainly conducting the mastering process for stacked CMOS image sensors (see Apple Wants More Sony Sensors, Says Nikkei).
The latest investment is expected to enable Sony to complete subsequent stages of production, including the layering process, at Nagasaki TEC on semiconductor chips that have undergone the mastering process at Yamagata TEC, providing Sony with a fully integrated production system for stacked CMOS image sensors.
The stacked image sensor process makes the back-illuminated pixels on a separate wafer to the circuits used for signal processing. Mastering of this stacked structure refers to the manufacture of the photodiodes and wiring the stacked CMOS image sensors together.
This investment forms part of Sony's mid- to long-term plan to increase its total production capacity for image sensors to approximately 75,000 wafers per month, and is expected to increase the current capacity of approximately 60,000 wafers per month to approximately 68,000 wafers per month in August 2015.
Sony was the leading supplier of CMOS image sensors in 2012, according to Yole Developpement. Sony had 21% of the market ahead of Omnivision on 19% and Samsung on 18%.