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美国的国会议员已经提出立法案,旨在杜绝仿冒半导体组件流入美国;那些日益猖獗的仿冒组件已经成为美国国家安全与关键基础设施的严重威胁。 上述立法提案是由众议员Michael McCaul、Howard McKeon与William Keating所提出,目标是修改美国海关与边境保卫局(U.S. Customs and Border Protection)目前限制芯片制造商取得疑似仿冒组件照片之策略。编号H.R. 6012的立法修正案,将让芯片制造商能检视疑似仿冒芯片上的识别信息,以判别其真伪。 该法案的支持者表示,这项提案的宗旨是为了杜绝目前已经流入美国的、数量超过百万颗的仿冒芯片;而且根据调查,那些产品主要是来自中国。据统计,在2010年流入美国市场的仿冒或是卷标错置芯片数量总共就有200万颗;其中有一些仿冒芯片是从废弃回收的电子设备中取出,重新包装上市。 “从煞车系统、心律调整器到先进的国防设备,若是这些产品因为仿冒芯片而产生故障,将会导致灾难性的后果;”McKeon在法案说明中表示:“这项提案将从根本上改善我们杜绝仿冒芯片进入美国市场的成果。” McKeon 是美国国会众议院国防委员会(House Armed Services Committee)的成员,McCaul则是众议院国土安全监督与调查小组委员会(the House Homeland Security Oversight & Investigations subcommittee)的成员。 最近一项由参议院国防 委员会(Senate Armed Services Committee)所做的调查显示,仿冒芯片已经渗透到数种美国国防武器中,包括海军的SH-60B海鹰号(Seahawk)直升机,以及P8-A反潜战斗机。而包括美国半导体产业协会(SIA)在内的产业团体,对上述法案的提出都表示赞许,并指出若让仿冒组件进入国防武器、网络或是医疗设备中,将会变 成“定时炸 弹”。 新提出的法案一开始将交付参议院司法委员会进行审议,因为内容提到了智能财产权的议题;但因为美国国会目前在休会期,紧接着美国总统大选又将在秋季举行,此项法案可能要等到本年度最后一个会期才会排入委员会议程。 编译:Judith Cheng 本文授权编译自EBN Online,版权所有,谢绝转载 本文下一页:参考英文原文:Legislation seeks to relax restrictions on tracking fake chips,by George Leopold


{pagination} Legislation seeks to relax restrictions on tracking fake chips George Leopold WASHINGTON – Three lawmakers have proposed legislation aimed at stemming the flow of counterfeit semiconductors into the U.S., a growing threat to the nation’s national security and critical infrastructure. The legislation introduced by Reps. Michael McCaul (R-Texas), Howard McKeon (R-Texas) and William Keating (D-Mass.) seeks to reverse the U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s policy that limits chip makers’ access to photographs of trademarks on suspected fake chips. H.R. 6012 would again allow chip makers to examine photographs showing identifying information on suspect chips to determine their authenticity. The bill’s sponsors said the legislation is designed to stop the flow of more than 1 million counterfeit chips into the U.S. that investigators suspect are primarily made in China. More than 2 million counterfeit or mislabeled chips entered the U.S. in 2010, the lawmakers said. One technique involves salvaging and repackaging chips from discarded electronic equipment. “From brake systems and defibrillators to advanced military weapon systems, when a product fails because of a counterfeit chip, the consequences can be catastrophic,” McKeon said in a statement introducing the legislation. “This bill will fundamentally improve our efforts to stop the dangerous flow of counterfeit chips onto our shores.” McKeon is chairman of the House Armed Services Committee. McCaul is chairman of the House Homeland Security Oversight & Investigations subcommittee. A recent investigation by the Senate Armed Services Committee revealed that fake chips had turned up in several U.S. weapons, including the Navy’s SH-60B Seahawk helicopter and the P8-A antisubmarine warfare aircraft. Industry groups like the Semiconductor Industry Association praised the legislation, calling the spread of counterfeit chips in weapons, networks and medical devices a “ticking time bomb.” The proposed legislation will initially be considered by the House Judiciary Committee since it raises issues about intellectual property rights. With lawmakers heading home for vacation later this week and a general election looming in the fall, it is unlikely the legislation would make it out of the committee by the end of the current congressional session.
George Leopold
ESM China姊妹网站EE Times特约编辑。自1986年以来,George Leopold一直在华盛顿特区撰写有关科学和技术的文章。除了EE Times,Leopold的作品还出现在《纽约时报》(New York Times),New Scientist和其他出版物上。 他住在弗吉尼亚州雷斯顿。
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