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欧洲货币和债务危机显然已在商业领域造成影响──这可能会比我们曾经历过的危机都更加严重。 由于失去了商业活力,欧洲甚至无法再继续产生其当前的商业价值,然而,从另一方面来看,欧洲人早已习惯了为奢侈的生活方式超支。事实上,欧洲需要创造更多商业活动,并寻求出口途径,除了喂饱当地人民外,也必须减少欧盟国家债务。 听起来,以上说法似乎有些世界末日的味道,然而,世界半导体贸易协会(WSTS)公布的最新统计数字却提供了有力的证明。 今年三月、四月和五月份,全球半导体销售状况普遍呈现下降状态。此期间亚太地区较2011年同期下降了1.9%。美国地区下降了3.2%。日本则微幅上扬0.4%。 然而,看看欧洲,与2011年相比,同期间下跌幅度达13.6%。以全球统计来看,这是相当巨大的变动。今年三月和四月的等效数字分别为15.4%和14.4%。基本上,这些数字都出现在2012年欧洲持续流失大量业务的金融困境期间。 欧洲有许多国家近期并未出现新创企业,特别在希腊、葡萄牙和西班牙等国家。同样,外来投资者也搁置了所有的计划。我们现在还无法在欧洲做投资,目前最好是再等一等,看看欧洲危机如何收场。一些跨国公司很可能会关闭欧洲据点,将重心移往他处,最有可能的地方是亚太地区。 欧洲芯片市场脚步停顿 我们现在谈的只是半导体销售这个部份──创造价值和财富的最好、但也最艰难的一个区块。 至于消费性电子,在欧洲的影响可能不会像半导体如此显著。飞利浦现在是一家强调生活美学经济的企业;而诺基亚,这家曾经在手机领域享有至高无上地位的公司,现在则不过是增加欧洲快速下滑趋势的一个因素罢了。因此,我们谈论的13.6%下滑,大部份是指汽车、工业和医疗电子等领域,而这些,都是所谓对消费者信心指数波动具有较高免疫性的市场。 据SIA/WSTS资料也暗示,欧洲可能会由于罢 工问题面临进一步的崩溃。 德国目前是欧洲的主导国家,其所奉行的制造业出口经济政策在今天就更显得重要。然而,当地产业的复苏显然也面临着重重压力,因为多数企业都可能选择尽量避免欧洲的恶劣形势。 或许你会认为这一切都不可能发生;但请记住,1920年代魏玛共和国(Weimar Republic)的恶性通膨,以及因此而高度依赖美国贷款后所造成的社会 混乱历史。 编译: Joy Teng 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 本文下一页:参考英文原文: A Hitchcockian nightmare: Europe falling off a cliff ,by Peter Clarke


{pagination} A Hitchcockian nightmare: Europe falling off a cliff Peter Clarke Europe's monetary and debt woes are now clearly having an effect on its ability to do business – which is a yet more frightening prospect, than the crisis we are already living with. Because without the ability to do business Europe cannot even continue to generate the value it currently does and which it already overpays itself for in its aggregate life style. In fact, Europe needs to do much more business, and export it, to pay for the life-style it gives itself and reduce the national debts. It may seem an apocalyptic view but there is the evidence in the latest numbers from the World Semiconductor Trade Statistics, published by the Semiconductor Industry Association. Globally the situation is not good with semiconductor sales in March, April and May (which are represented by the three-month average ascribed by the SIA to May) generally down. The Asia-Pacific region is down 1.9 percent on the same period in 2011. The Americas region is down 3.2 percent. Japan is up 0.4 percent. But look at this, the European region is down 13.6 percent compared with a year before. In global statistics terms that is a major percentage change. The equivalent figures in March and April were 15.4 percent and 14.4 percent. Basically it appears that in 2012 Europe's drawn-out financial woes are driving a significant chunk of business out of the continent. It is likely that startup businesses are not happening, particularly in such countries as Greece, Portugal and Spain. Similarly inward investors are putting any plans they have on hold. "Let's not open up in Europe right now, best to see how the dust settles." And multinational companies are likely to be shifting their weight off their European foot and on to another, most likely in the Asia-Pacific region.
Peter Clarke
业内资深人士Peter Clarke负责EETimes欧洲的Analog网站。 由于对新兴技术和创业公司的特殊兴趣,他自1984年以来一直在撰写有关半导体行业的文章,并于1994年至2013年为EE Times美国版撰稿。
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