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美国芯片设备制造商应用材料公司(Applied Materials)9月24日晚间宣布,将收购日本芯片设备制造商东京电子(Tokyo Electron)。该交易将全部以股票形式进行,合并后的新公司市值将达290亿美元。

北京时间9月24日晚间消息,美国芯片设备制造商应用材料公司(Applied Materials)周二宣布,将收购日本芯片设备制造商东京电子(Tokyo Electron)。该交易将全部以股票形式进行,合并后的新公司市值将达290亿美元。 按照协议,东京电子的股东将按照1:3.25的比例持有新公司股票,应用材料的股东将按照1:1的比例持有新公司股票。2家公司都是制造半导体、平板显示器和太阳能面板生产设备的企业。在交易完成后,应用材料股东将持有新公司约68%的股份,东京电子股东持有约32%的股份。 东京电子董事长Tetsuro Higashi将担任新公司董事长,并表示此交易将建立“真正的全球性公司”,满足消费电子产品如智能手机和平板电脑供应商的需求。而应用材料总裁兼CEO加里·迪克森(Gary Dickerson)将出任新公司CEO。两家公司在一份联合声明中称,他们将继续分别在纳斯达克和东京证券交易所挂牌交易。 此次合并获得了两家公司董事会的一致批准,但交易还需要符合惯例完成条件,等待2家公司股东和监管机构的批准。但两家公司表示,他们的产品线并没有太多重合,不存在较强的竞争关系,相信会得到监管部门批准。预计交易将在2014年中至下半年完成。新公司还未确定名称,但保留在东京和圣克拉拉的双总部,注册地位于荷兰。 两家公司预计,合并后的第一年末可实现2.5亿美元的运营协同效应,在第三年实现5亿美元的运营协同效应。另外,由于建立新的企业结构,预计可节约大量资金。新公司还打算在完成交易后的12个月里,进行30亿美元的股票回购计划。 在这次交易中,高盛担任应用材料的独家金融顾问,威嘉律师事务所(Weil Gotshal&Manges LLP)等公司担任法律顾问。三菱日联摩根士丹利证券(Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities)担任东京电子的独家金融顾问,众达律师事务所(Jones Day)担任法律顾问。 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 参考英文原文:Applied, Tokyo Electron Agree to $29 Billion Merger,by Peter Clarke


{pagination} Applied, Tokyo Electron Agree to $29 Billion Merger Peter Clarke Applied Materials Inc., the world's largest chipmaking equipment supplier, and Tokyo Electron Ltd., ranked No. 3, have agreed to a merger that values the combined entity at about US$29 billion (about 2.8 trillion yen). The deal, which would bring together the leading US and Japanese vendors of chipmaking equipment, will push Europe's ASML Lithography NV, based in Bilthoven, Netherlands, which has specialized in the scanners used for patterning ICs using optical lithography, back into a distant second place. It also appears to be an early and significant move by recently appointed CEO Gary Dickerson, who joined Applied Materials in August 2013. (See: Applied Materials Appoints CEO.) Applied and Tokyo said in a joint press release that the new company would be formed as a merger of equals and would have a new name, dual headquarters in Santa Clara and Tokyo, and dual listing on the Tokyo Stock Exchange and Nasdaq. The company is to be incorporated in the Netherlands. Despite the merger-of-equals claim, the terms of the deal are that Tokyo Electron shareholders will receive 3.25 shares of the new company for every Tokyo Electron share held, and Applied Materials shareholders will receive one share in the new company for each Applied Materials share held. After the close, Applied Materials shareholders will own about 68 percent of the new company and Tokyo Electron shareholders about 32 percent. No indication was given as to what the merged company will be called. The merger has been unanimously agreed to by the boards of directors of both companies but is subject to approval of both sets of shareholders and to regulatory approval. As a result, the companies do not expect the deal to close before the middle of 2014 and most likely to conclude in the second half of 2014, according to the press release. The deal will produce a clear No. 1 company in the sale of a range of equipment for precision engineering and patterning for integrated circuits and displays, with about 25 percent market share. Applied Materials led the market in 2012 with about $5.51 billion in sales and 14.4 percent market share, according to a April 2013 report from market researcher Gartner Inc. Tokyo Electron was third, with $4.22 billion in sales and 11.1 percent share. ASML had sales in 2012 of $4.89 billion and a 12.8 percent market share, Gartner said. The Applied-Tokyo deal has been brokered to cope with the exponentially increasing development of technologies for manufacturing at the leading edge, in both semiconductor circuits and display panels. ASML's own solution to this problem was an innovative equity-plus-research funding program that saw the firm raise billions of dollars while granting three leading chipmakers stakes in the company. Under the move pushed through in 2012, Intel, TSMC, and Samsung gained 15, 5, and 3 percent stakes, respectively. (See: Samsung to take 3% stake in ASML). Under the terms of the deal, Tetsuro Higashi, who currently serves as chairman, president, and CEO of Tokyo Electron, will serve the new company as chairman. Gary Dickerson, president and CEO of Applied Materials, will be CEO. Bob Halliday of Applied Materials will serve as Chief Financial Officer.
Peter Clarke
业内资深人士Peter Clarke负责EETimes欧洲的Analog网站。 由于对新兴技术和创业公司的特殊兴趣,他自1984年以来一直在撰写有关半导体行业的文章,并于1994年至2013年为EE Times美国版撰稿。
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